Overview(see detailed instructions and close ups below) |
Forming the first loop regular |
Forming the first loop regular |
Forming the first loop regular |
Forming the first loop regular |
Forming the first loop regular (It looks awkward only because I'm trying to get my body out of the way of the camera) |
Forming the second loop alternate |
Forming the second loop alternate loop. Note that I put my coiling hand UNDER the standing end of the line. If I had taken the picture a second later than I did, the standing end of the line might be laying on top of my right wrist. |
One regular loop, followed by one alternate loop |
Instructions and Close ups (below) |
Before you begin, run your hands down the line to remove twists (aka hockles) from the line that may already be there. You can't make a nice, neat coil if the line already has been twisited. Start by holding the line with both thumbs pointing towards each other, thumbs on top and fingers pointing down. I will be placing loops into my left hand (the "holding hand"). I will be forming the loops with my right hand. I will be using two different methods to form the loops, alternating from one to the other. I call them "regular" vs "alternate" loops. Let's get some terms defined: I start by holdng the bitter end (the short end) in the holding hand (my left hand in the picture). The coiling hand (my right hand in the picture) slides along the standing end and twists the line to form loops. IMPORTANT: On your boat, coil from the standing end toward the bitter end. For the purpose of this demonstration, I started by holidng the bitter end of the line and made my coils as I worked towards the standing end. If I had planned it out better, I'd have done it the opposite direction. In general, however, it's always better to start by holding the standing end, and make your coils working towards the bitter end. You're more likely to remove pre-existing hockles in the line. |
Underhand loop: Slide the coilng hand away from the holding hand, and as you form the first loop, twist the line enough to make it form a loop that falls smoothly. In this case, I have twisted the line so my fingers and palm point up (as though I were scooping water with my hand) |
Laying the first regular loop into the holding hand. (note that I have twisted my whole arm and wrist to show direction, but it's easier to twist the line with your fingers.) |
Holding the first regular loop |
Alternate loops: As you slide the coiling hand away from the holding hand, twist the line opposite direction from the last loop -- twist the line with your fingers or turn your forearm so the palm is down, like spilling water from your palm. I lay the alternate loop into the holding hand differently than the previous regular one. Note that I have brought my coiling hand towards the fingers of the holding hand, and that I have formed the loop by passing my coiling hand behind/underneath the standing end of the line. |
A close up of the first (regular) loop and the second (alternate). Note how the alternate loop is form by laying it into the holding hand from underheath/behind the standing end of the previous regular loop. |
Now we have three loops: the 1st regular loop, the 2nd alternate loop, and the 3rd loop, which is regular. |
Four loops : regular, alternate, regular, and (the last), alternate. |